
Accidents change everything. They can endanger your family, alter your way of life,

and often damage your investments. Get back on track.

Take Comfort in Knowing You Have Financial Support for Accidents

Did you know that accident insurance coverage can help supplement costs that are not covered under your existing medical plan? This insurance provides you with funds that can be used as you see fit.1 This can help with out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles, copays, medical transportation, childcare, and more.

Accident insurance through your employer may include benefits for:

  • Injuries: such as fractures, dislocations, concussions, lacerations, eye injuries, torn knee cartilage, ruptured discs, and severe burns. (Chip fractures are paid at 25% of Fracture Benefit and partial dislocations are paid at 25% of Dislocation Benefit)
  • Medical Services and Treatments: such as ambulance, emergency care, therapy services, medical testing (including X-rays, MRIs, CT scans), medical appliances, and certain types of surgeries. 
  • Hospitalization: such as hospital admission, confinement, and inpatient rehab after an accident.2
  • Additional Benefits: such as accidental death, dismemberment, loss, paralysis, supplemental benefit for lodging.3
  • Plus, MetLife has a guaranteed acceptance policy, offers convenient payroll deduction, and portable coverage.4, 5

For complete plan details, speak with your company’s benefits administrator. 

Online Payment Solution

Finding the Right Coverage for a Proactive Lifestyle

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After purchasing the theme, you will need to add the license code. With Single Site License, you can use the extension in one website/domain only. But with Unlimited Site License, you can use it in as many website/domain as you want. There is no limit. After purchasing the theme, you will need to add the license code.

General Inquires

More about Hello FSE WordPress theme?

After purchasing the theme, you will need to add the license code. With Single Site License, you can use the extension in one website/domain only. But with Unlimited Site License, you can use it in as many website/domain as you want. There is no limit.

As it is a one time payment with lifetime use, you can use it in as many website as you want in future as well.

How to install theme?

After purchasing the theme, you will need to add the license code. With Single Site License, you can use the extension in one website/domain only. But with Unlimited Site License, you can use it in as many website/domain as you want. There is no limit.

How to activate premium theme?

After purchasing the theme, you will need to add the license code. With Single Site License, you can use the extension in one website/domain only. But with Unlimited Site License, you can use it in as many website/domain as you want. There is no limit.

As it is a one time payment with lifetime use, you can use it in as many website as you want in future as well.